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When You Love Someone...

This post was composed by - Moushumi Samajdar

When you love someone so deep inside,
It seems like it's so easy to hide.
You've loved him for so very long,
You would think he could do no wrong.

Each day you  hoped and prayed,
That he would keep staying this way.
He treated you like you were supposed to be treated,
You thought your life was finally completed.

You thought your love was growing true,
And till one day it went all so blue.
He started putting you down and it hurt,
You thought all you were to him was dirt.

He started ignoring you and you wondered why,
All you felt and wanted to do was curl up and die.
You thought your relationship would never end,
But that was all so fake and pretend and would never mend.

One night he was so sweet to you,
You thought all those things might be untrue,
Two days later he was back the same,
You thought you were the only one to blame.

He thought the relationship was getting too serious
And that you had become a little too curious.
By this time you knew it wouldn't last,
All the nice things he said were in the past.

You thought that you would marry him some day,
But this time God wanted to get his way.
You wanted things back how they were before,
But you knew this couldn't happen anymore.

It was a Saturday night about ten o'clock,
You heard the news and it wasn't a shock.
You knew this was going to happen soon,
As you laid there and cried in the pale lit moon.


  1. welll Mou thanks for the first entry on my blog and i hink it deserves a great first comment too.. well you made my task very easy as i dont need to write something fake because its indeed a great post... and since i know for whom it was i can personally relate to it.. Like i always say its an art to convert your feelings into a poem... and you have done a remarkable job..
    very well expressed and really touching... :)

  2. waah waah !!
    waah waah !!
    nice one yaar :)

  3. Moushumi goes speechless after reading this!! It's strikes its way to the heart. U've done an amazing play of words that are so wonderfully touching. U ought to make many more write ups to follow.
    Im always praises to what u write and wud push to to keep the writing work going in future...'

  4. woah di!!cool!!!mere sangat ka asar tellin u!!!

  5. thans so much gere for those precious words....i always had d ability to put my thoughts into words but d courage to post it on a blog, is somethin u've given me...this is to our frnship and a goodbye to d miserable time i had..thanx to you im so happy u for this

  6. thanx a lot saurabh..the fact dat u read it is an achievemnet on my part...its due to d wishes of frnds like u dat i have dis ability.

  7. vinni, this piece might be good but in no wy can it be compared to what you write. u were one of those feew ppl who told me to start blogging regularly nd thnx tp u'l i did it...i want all critical comment frm u'll as well coz thats wat frnds are for right....nt d good parts only...

  8. radhika darling..truly it comes frm being wid frnds like u..i hope ur wid me in dis journey where i can continue to write like dis always...

  9. thnx moushmi ... but i really didnt know that u could write so well .... so now we get to know 1 more of the many qualities that u have :)


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