A website owner's biggest nightmare is getting hacked... well last night was no less than a nightmare, it was around 2AM when i thought about checking out one of my blog that i don't use much and i was busy surfing on other tabs there was this loud unknown language song that got started it took me a min to figure out which tab it is,i switched to that tab and there was this word "hacked" written on it, i immediately closed that tab thinking that some damm website i opened got hacked but then i thought lets check it out and when i checked the recently closed tabs i was surprised to see that it was my movies blog only.It took me a min to digest this fact but then it was my movies blog which i was planning to shut down so i was a bit ok but it didn't took me much time to find out that it was not just one blog but my entire domain that got hacked... OMG!!! even my itsmylife blog whose link was everywhere,my facebook status,gtalk status,twitter,orkut everywhere becau
I, Me, Myself!!!