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Time to say goodbye, but to whom???

It’s been more than 4 years that I have spent in this place called JUIT… A place I was sure I wanted to get in when I saw the prospectus and luckily I got admission here… Life was full of ups and downs rather more down’s but at the end of it all I have a job in my hand which is enough for me to ignore those bad times…
There a few things I have always been proud of like my association with almost all the clubs and activities especially technical and hospitality… besides the fact that except for my academics I was good at making things happen and that majorly because of my domain, everyone yes everyone in JUIT knows me…
But now when its time to say goodbye to this great university, things are no more the same and not even the feeling…
4-5 months back when it was time for 2008 regular batch to leave it was altogether a different feeling even that time I felt as if I am also about to go but this time when we have just 20 more days here I am not getting that feeling.
We got our farewell, scribling day, documentary, group photo with the 2008 batch and now I guess it’ll be a silent goodbye we’ll just pack our bags and will disappear and no one will feel a difference…
I am no longer proud of my PR and the no. of friends I made here because now when I am leaving I don’t see anyone with me…
Someone who used to call me bhaiya till a few days back doesn’t even want to talk to me for reasons unknown…
The scribbling book that my friends in ‘08 batch filled with colors and emotions is now waiting for an entry. The people who used to run behind me when they had some work either in JYC or in administration or even cafe and mess are no longer the same because they know I won’t be here for long…
yes there are some very sweet friends who still want to see a smile on my face and don’t like me sitting alone outside cafe I am really thankful to them for always being there with me, for all the beautiful memories that I’ll always cherish and I think they are the people I should talk about here and not those who are no longer with me…
There’s one thing for which I’ll always thank JUIT that’s the lessons of life that I learned here like to think twice before trusting anyone because you never know who’s gonna stay with you when you are in difficulty…
But there are a few things that I learned about JUIT and a lesson for all those who are here or the one’s that’ll join in future… always remember “JUIT ko bhi parivartan pasand nhin hai” no one like changes here so think before you look forward to bring a revolution here.. You try to make some big changes here and they’ll change your life and if you know me, you know what I am talking about… So only those who have the courage can try to make things happen, others just stay comfortable with what you get here…
Also don’t get too close and personal with someone that it becomes difficult for you to see that personal-professional line and when it comes to JUIT you never know what act of yours will make you owe an apology!!!
Anyways enough of all this all I know is it was the best time of my life and no other institute can give you what JUIT can!!!
Beautiful surroundings, wonderful friends, some really great faculty members, all those activities…
There’s someone I’ll say JUIT is blessed with, I take him as my Mentor and role model, one person I truly admire and respect from the bottom of my heart and you all know who he is and you all will agree with me that without him JUIT won’t have reached where it is now…
I’ll always cherish the memories that JUIT has given me… all those Geri’s on mall road, access to cafeteria and mess kitchen and all the special food, all those night outs, sharma ji ki chai n maggi, raju bhai ki wai-wai, sneaking out at night to go to anshu dhaba and even those fights…
Thanks to Maala mam for always being there like a mother, thanks to all my wonderful friends in ‘08 batch especially sahil and mou… thanks to my point five batch mates for accepting me and for the last 6 months when I needed you guys the most… thanks to all my wonderful juniors, my tech club people.. My H6 buddies… Thanks to server room for all those special rights on my acc… Thanks to all those who made my stay in JUIT comfortable and worth remembering always…


  1. ohhh i almost cried...i realise ur a mirror of my feelings..nd u knw wat..i knw life w/o you is incomplete not just in collge but nywhere i go..i love u tonnes!! you've written things which other's cudnt acknowledge and im proud of you. just come soon..ppl in JIIT need you too. love u always!!

  2. Hey Vaibhav,
    Moushumi made me read ur write-up and I must say, you've pinned down the reflections of the college days so beautifully.... I got reminded of my last day there....hw much i cherish every second of it!!
    Wishing you all the best for an amazing tomorrow...thats full of further beautiful memories....Cheers!!

  3. GERE yaar...u look very sad...

    yaar everybody gets nostalgic, but thats life...U move old friends,make new ones......U cant freeze time

    dunt worry, happy ho ja...

    ALL THE BEST FOR THE FUTURE...I am sure the future holds wonderful surprises

  4. heyy room mate.. ;) am dissapointed..u forgot to mention ur addictiob for 'multicasts'..nd the price u had to pay fr em on ur bday!! yaad aya kuch?? :D ...nd i heard they gave u the newly started 'sabse clean room' award ...ladkiyo ko bhi hara diya tune to,am sure they gonna auction it now..hahaha!! :D...mujhe complex ho jaata tha tera room dekhkar!! :( ...
    dont be sad of leaving JUIT buddy ,look at the brighter picture..apne bacho ko bhi yahi se engg karana..:D

  5. Sir God Bless you always..m always dere 4 matter v were nt so truly i respect u 4m d core of my heart..vl miss u sir..u rocks...thnx a lot 4 such an amazing HRM classes due to which v cme 2 knw each other..kepp smiling sir..:)
    take care!!

  6. Hi Gere ….
    I know you are not having a blast there, the juniors are not the same any longer, the 2008 batchmates are not there anymore, but I tell you Gere, you are lucky to be in JUIT for 5 months more than us. Life outside JUIT is not great, it’s tough, and nothing will be the same now I know. Sitting at home, I just feel, wish I could be there for a 9 PM coffee, I just wish I could be there on the Mall road, I just wish I could study in a Library, this wishlist never ends. But now, I have to study the same things that I once studied with "YOU KNOW WHO" in Lib ;), I have to have a coffee … but alone, lights go out at 10 PM & everyone just sleeps. I stay awake till 1 AM to study what I once taught my friends. There are no hour long phone calls now. And Gere you got your farewell & scribbling from people who mattered to you, just think as if some unfinished work was to be completed for which you had to stay in JUIT. You came with us, you went with us, infact you went before me, Pallavi, Sohit & everyone.(remember ???)
    Enjoy you stay now, you’ll miss all of this. Things will never be the same now onwards. And I’ll again say , it was reaaaaallllllllllllly nice working with you & sharing the stage with you ;) … hehehe ….. Pallavi aur teri awaaz ke saamne to meri bolti band ho jaati thi. Just cherish your memories, enjoy your leftover days & come step into another world now … wahan pe “GERRI“ maarne ka time nahi milega :P

  7. Hey Gera!!

    U made me cry dear.....I cn imagine the phase u r goinig through... Becoz when v all left v were together...
    I can forget that day u left everybody hd tears in eyes...Bt v kn its toughest 4 u becoz u hv 2 spend 6 more months w/o us....Bt dear now its over nd its time to start over again a new life with new dimensions....

    V r always in each others hearts.. Nd a time will come when v'll b together :)

    Lotz of gud wishes..

  8. Arre Bhai..
    U r the sweetest person around in college... tabhi to every1 knows u..
    Wenever i have a problem..d first person i think about is you. N u r always there to sought things out(like today). [;)]
    College can never b the same without u! All the people who've known u for so long...will definitely miss u!
    Im glad that throughout my stay in college, u've always been around.. I can understand how u feel today.. becoz i feel d same way! The feeling dat only 18mor days r left in college hasn't arrived yet. probably of the mood around!
    So just chill n njoyin your few days in dis wonderful place, JUIT...which has made us grow n understand life alot!
    N i'll definitely miss i'll not have any1 around me to guide me!
    U r one person who can bring light even into a dark room... Never change.. U rock!
    Luv ya always... I can never forget u![:)]

  9. hello gere ...
    dnt knw wat it really feels while leaving ur frenz wid whom u have spent ur last four years..but 1 thing is for sure u will really b missed nt nly by me but by whole of d college.. but that is what is called life....evrythng has to move on....
    may god bless u with all his showerings
    bst of luck for ur

  10. hey gere!
    all of us went thru all dis ordeal and we all knw wat is its really tough for u as you were surrounded by similar surroundings for a longer time but without your cherished faces.....nver mind buddy as you said juit had different lessons for evbdy and surely you learnt great deal more than all of us.
    the juit trip last week was full of weird emotions , on one hand i was in lap of very comforting surroundings reminiscent of evthg i gained and lost in last 4 yrs but yes there was a big void without my 2008 batch .
    life has different turns buddy, ev new turn offers sm unique blend soo dunn worry cum out and embrace ur new future with dat nver fading smile on your face.
    thanx re a wonderful human being and i m glad i got an opportuinity to work wid u.
    take care

  11. hi dude!!
    firstly all those ppl u r referring to that were with u when they needed u n now they dont u really think they r worth being sad for??
    jo log time ke saath badal jaate hain ya kaam ke hisaab se tumhare saath hona ya na hona decide karte hain i dont think u should even waste time in giving a thought abt them.
    n secondly...its true that u r leaving n r bound to b sad n u even want to b with ppl that care...but if u dont get this jus think it as an end of an era...n think that in just a month or so a new life a new time is gonna start 4 u...
    the ppl that care 4 u may not be there in coll rite now....but trust me the ppl that ACTUALLY care 4 u r much much more than the ppl u repent to have changed towards u.
    so jus enjoy ur last time in coll. do good in exams...n wait a brand new life thats gonna start as u end this 1 :) godbless u n may u be happy always :)

  12. this is soo well-written!! :) I hope you take away more than good memories from your 4 years at JUIT. I hope you take away lots of experiences, everlasting friendships, and a brighter future :)

  13. i really don't have the words to tell you how i's time to say goodbye, but to whom?'s so apt and i understand what you are trying to say
    but you are the last person i expected to hear something like this are an exceptional person, your PR, your energy
    levels which got everything done, your optimism, your ability to learn things from your experiences and carry on....the list
    is endless....and i have learnt so much from you... whenever i stepped out of my hostel towards the mall i actually looked forward to
    that little smile of acknowledgement from your side(it is one of the very few i actually get)....i even remember the conversation we had one sunday afternoon a long time have made quite an impact on more people than you think....please don't ever feel low or alone...
    i'm sure you'll always have an angel by your side whenever you need one because you have been there as one for others too...

    'Gera sir' is a legend the students of JUIT will remember for a long me....

  14. sir ji..

    Life has been kinda tough 4 u here especially aftr sahil & mou left but doesnt mean u gt no 1 2 say gudbye 2.. doesnt mean thr is no 1 who ll miss ya wen ur gone.. i still remember d times u hav been thr 4 me as a frnd , senior , buddy & mentor.. cnt evr 4get ya evr.. jus dnt want u 2 b sad.. atleast not nw.. jus a few days & u ll step into d wicked world outside d campus.. jus want u 2 b prepared coz u ll face many more difficulties , many selfish ppl & many more such sad situations.. jus tc & keep smiling.. coz u ll b missed here but also i pray dat u cn b successful & happy in life 4evr.. njoy!!
    GOD BLESS YA.. U ROCK !!!!

  15. hi sir!!!
    you know this cllg will loose one the most happening stuff wen you r gone. but rmbr one thing you have made a permanent place in some hearts and will alwayz be thr...
    you are one character who is blessed to make life happening...and i'm sure you will not wait to make anothr fan-following in a new place...gera babu ki fauj...heheheh.wish you all the vry best for the next phase of your life.

  16. Kya geru!!!!!senti na ho yaar....abhi aish kar le....humein dekh kitni mara rahe hain....aur pagal we r always there with u....bhul gaya woh din??????don't worry be happy...yeh tera hi dialogue tha....miss u...ab bullet chalegi to teri yaad aayegi....ek jaisi aawaz jo hai dono kutte mera naam kyun nahin likha blog mein...:(

  17. kya sir....u almost made me cry.u knw na v all will miss u dare u say noone will see the sure there r loads of people in this collg at present who disagree wit u..sir u hav a heart of gold .never change.always remain the same.
    take keep in tuch

  18. after reading all these to knw all ur frnds view abt u n ur college life.. everything indeed...

    vaibhav u r a gem n m lucky to have u as my bf...i love you...u such a sweet heart..n.i need to learn a lot frm you sachi ....wanna b as nice as u r..

  19. nice yaar mote .. luv ya .. n will always do ... no matter where u go .. hum chhote logon ke liye koi kaam ho kabhi bhi toh zaroor yaad karna .. will always b thr 4 u buddy .. more dan a buddy .. bro .. wish u all the best an happiness ahead in lyf ... an ya dnt 4get 2 attend my concert (jab bhi hoga) .. i kno u dnt lyk my typa songs .. but still .... tc n rock on .. will surely miss ya man ..

  20. Never expected such a pessimistic statement from you gera. C'on... why do you think SO negative? everybody loves you here. its a matter of great pride that you are passing out as an engineer from here with good assignment for japan.I look forward to meet you every evening during my rounds..........and how you insist to accompany me to malviya bhawan and GEETA BHAWAN.U r a very affectionate, simple and obedient boy.I wish you all the success and prosperity in life. I will miss you every moment my son. Have a great life ahead.....GOD BLESS YOU.

  21. there are some ppl who r to be jst to bear shrtym....and otherz for a life time.
    gera comes into third category....since he's such a third class person (like me:))
    we both are fukin fools...with reason being just that we do thingz coz we really wanna do...lil if no selfishness involved.
    and as my dear "ele bhai" (elephant bhaiya) is goin to capture this fukd up gettin out of this fucked up place(JUIT) whom strangely enough he got some good memories (so he kinda likes which i dnt give a rat's ass)
    all i want to tell gera is dat...."man! dont cry for them who dont even deserve ur sweet smile"
    and gere...for the last time...i m sayin it agn...i dont kno the secret of success but secret of failure is surely tryin to please everyone.
    japan jao...sushi khao aur ****** dabao;))

    PS- u dare nt forget me...or else ill blow ur ass sky high...mark dat...its a gangstaz word!

  22. Generally I do not post on blogs, but I would like to say that this post really forced me to do so! really nice post.

  23. Thanks a lot Steve.. i am glad you liked it... your words are my motivation...

  24. Super-Duper site! I am loving it!! Will come back again, subscribed to your feed also, Thanks.

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