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Am I crazy???

Now just don't say yes read this first...

When i say, I am a person who can live alone trust me i really can do that, because even if i have no one around me, I have someone always with me and that's my thoughts... Yes those thoughts that fuels this and my other blogs...

Now where do these thoughts come from, the credit goes to you, yes you and all the other people who are around me. Observing people around me gives me the reason to write...

A man spitting on roads, a kid begging for something at a signal, a govt. employee running away from his duties, our politicians and the state of our nation are not only the reasons that pump me to write but also the small small things that happen around me...

Its true that not all individuals think on the same lines but after observing and living closely with a few people in my life, I sometimes wonder am i crazy to think with such a broad view point or the people are creating small boundaries around it...

We call Mahatma Gandhi - the father of nation but has the world forgotten the teachings of their father...
We run after his materialistic belongings but are slowly forgetting what ideals he gave us...

I have laughed upon when i bought a small car piece of our National flag and placed it on the dashboard of my car.
When terrorists attacked Mumbai i didn't sleep till the operation got over and was following it on TV and twittering second - by - second about the events for the rest of the cyber world while some of us were not even bothered about what was going on in our own country as if their world is limited to their house and the people in it.

How can people think from such a narrow perspective, forget this events of national importance lets talk about some things that are related to the people around us...

People tell my why do i talk to and care about and connect with every person i meet, tell me whats wrong in being nice to people and talking to them, who made the rule that be nice to those who are nice to you..

My friends tell me why do you initiate something if the other person needs something he/she will come to you.. Come'on guys don't you think God wants us to help each other.. "Pehle wo, pehle aap, pehle kaun" how does it matter..

They say people just use me and they don't really care about you... Don't you think i am brains and heart to realize that, of course i know who cares for me and who doesn't but still i refuse to change. So what if they use me, I am glad i am of use for someone... That is the whole purpose of existence on this earth to be of help to others...

They say, "people insult you and you still give them a chance if i would have been at your place I would have never spoken to them or i would have given them a slap" come on do it that is what our great father of nation wanted, someone says something and you hit them back, someone hits you and you should hit double of that...
Why can't this world understand "an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."
Ok i understand we should not give any one the right to insult us but if they do so and realize their mistake and apologize truly then i feel they should be forgiven because after all "galti karne wale se us galti ko maaf karne wala badha hota hai" and what will you get by hitting them back or by taking revenge just a moment of happiness and an enemy for a lifetime. Don't you think its better to make the other person realize that where he/she went wrong and if they learn a lesson and change and feel sorry, i mean that's the greatest thing because you managed to change the heart of a person..

when a person is unnecessarily angry and is shouting on you, you can do two things :-

1> start shouting back and take the situation out of control and make it more complex.
2> stay calm let the other person shout and relax, give him/her some water to chill down and trust me he/she will realize his/her mistake and will be really sorry but you know what you gained from it >
RESPECT and Honour by staying calm..
So what you someone insulted you for a moment when they were angry over something else , if you shout back and react then what is the difference between that  person and you...
Stay calm and you'll get respect...

But seriously sometimes i really think where is this world heading to, and till when i can preserve these ideals in me...

You can all say that i am wrong or crazy but this is how i am and this is what i believe in and this is the path I'll follow...

The path of love...

To be cont...


  1. Each problem, domestic or not, is very interconnected. Staying calm is definitely the approach, but I hope, at the same time, we don't forget to ACT altogether.
    Being passive is as good as not doing anything, and I think this holds true for every problem. Not every problem is meant to be solved, but then I think we all know, and so do you, that certain problems can't be ignored either.

    People often ask, "Why me" or "Why should I be the one to start," and the very simple response to that is because 98% of the world thinks like such people. (And I won't lie, sometimes I'm in that 98%). It takes one voice to begin, to lead....and that 98% pour out their emotions through that one that ONE voice the power of a million. Mahatma Gandhi was a classic example.

    I don't think you're crazy at all :P This is a way to be the voice for the 98% of us :)

  2. Ur voice need to be heard....Y don't u write columns in newspaper...Atleast u can share ur views wid a broader range of people...Gud on u...keep it up....

  3. hehe dee itna bhi acha nhin likhta.. am just a emotionaly driven blogger... but ya thanks aapne is layak samjha.. and thanks a lot for the comment... it means a lot to me...

  4. hey jhanvi thanks a lot for the comment, when i was writting it io forgot you also wrote something like this on you blog but your comment reminded me of that post... i am not saying to be passive all am saying is act smartly.. dnt let the situation make you loose your temper... amm i am saying is be calm and act in a way it hits the other person in his heart so that he can realize where he went wrong!!

  5. To b honest......,....self respect se upr kuch ni hota koi ni apni respect ni krta uski koi aur bi ni krta.
    1st loyalty shud b 2 urslf......


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