Hey All, Good Morning and Have a great Friday!! Thinking about the subject line, Well that’s true, this probably the last Heavy Dose (as some of you call it) mails, I realized one thing There’s no point coming office a little early and spending half an hour just to write this mail when half of you don’t read it and even if you do they are not doing anything GOOD. Its not an assumption it’s a experience based fact… If you have decided you can’t do it, you really can’t.. If you love being sad then even if I turn up wearing a joker dress and red nose that cant make you a happy person, maybe for a few hours but after that you’ll go back to being what you are!!! Someone has rightly said , in order to say even the right thing, you have to be at the right place… “ People don’t become big by what they say, what big people say becomes BIG!!! ” Even if I say the same thing that Vineet said in a Interview yesterday, nobody would be interested but when he says the same thing people believe!!...
I, Me, Myself!!!