A few tips to have a great day!!!
- Be Self confident and not over confident...
- Keep in mind you can't just know it all.. give yourself time and that in turn will give you experiance...
- A lot of people will come in your path of success not all will support you, some will have a positive attitude and some will always DeMotivate you.. Keep away from those -ve Idiots...
- you never loose, even if you fail you gain experiance.
- Learn Learn & Learn
- Thankyou, Please & Sorry are really the 3 Golden words... Never let go an oppurtunity to say thanks {Reward Xtra miles in case you are an HCLite}to the person who helps you, Never keep those sorry's in your heart and please use please life will be much more comfortable.
- Don't let the pressure destroy you...
- Do not let time slip through your fingers without having spent some time with those who really matter to you, those close to your hearts.
- Stay calm, confident and Smile always...
Remember its only when you know the Game in & out you can change the rules & for that you need time.. Don't over expect from yourself..
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